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Bed Bugs and Myths Built Around Them

Whenever you seek for bound data on-line you expect to search out correct information on the particular issue and therefore the same you expect once longing for bed bugs. there's lots of data on this matter, however not all of it's correct. the actual fact is that this type of knowledge reaches from one mouth to a different and previous imagined it gets inside the web pages costing time for those those that want to search out real truth on this matter.

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But as with many other topics, the bedbugs topic has managed to build some myths around it and further below these myths are debugged:

1. They appear as a result of bad hygiene
Getting infested with them is not because of a bad hygiene. It is true however that maintaining a state of dirt and not cleaning the spaces, it can encourage them to hide better and making the prevention and eradication rather difficult to achieve. Consider the fact that even the most better cleaned and places, such as 4 star hotels as well as well taken care of mansions can be places infested with the bugs.

2. They can jump in order to come on your bed
This is not true, as in this case they can be mistaken for fleas. Bed bugs simply crawl to get around and for this reason is recommended for the bed to be kept separated from the walls, floor, and other items as in this way the bite occurrence can be reduced. Through these strategies you can take away the access to your bed. However there can be the possibility for them to fall from the ceiling or walls.

3.They love to feed themselves with dead skin
This is far from being true as they rather suck on your blood. The creatures that feed on dead skin are actually the dust mites, which are microscopic bugs as compared to the bedbugs.

4. In case you got bed bugs switch the sleeping place for a couch
This is not at all the case. As long as bed bugs are attracted to the carbon dioxide that you exhale and the heat generated by your body, why do you think that by a simple switch of the sleeping place you can get rid of them? In fact, moving to the couch you risk to carry the bed bugs in this area as well, since you can carry them on you through your bedding and clothing.

5. Once it is certain that you got bed bugs, just get rid of the mattress and the spring box
This is in fact a matter of taste. If you do not like the bed any more and aim to buy a new one, then do not blame the presence of bed bugs as they will hide pretty well in different varied places not solely in bed. thus substitution the complete bed will not get you eliminate these annoying creatures.


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